Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ah.. ehhhhh.... Uuuhh..

I'm really no good at blogging. Or journaling for that matter!
Whenever I have a lot going on, like exciting things happening in my life, I find it the hardest to write about it. It's like there's so much that Im processing and thinking about that I can't put any of it to words. Especially in the past month I've been more quiet than usual. I find myself with absolutely nothing to say {that's rare for me}, or when I do force out a thought, it's just that-FORCED. I have so much spinning around in my head though. So much that I feel my heart and soul might explode at any moment. My words just never seem to be enough to release the tension.

And now here I am, learning a new language. Finding myself in "conversations" with people where my main form of communication is miming and using noises like "eehhh" "ahhh" and "uhhhhhhh". Talk about humbling.  I've accepted my place in the Kingdom as court jester!
I'm kidding. But really, when attempting to learn a new language, you learn to cherish the one that you already know {for me that language is American :) }.

So if my blog posts seem scatter-brained and don't make any sense {like this one}, just know that a bunch of really exciting/good/overwhelming things are happening in my heart.

Just sayin.

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