Thursday, October 4, 2012

In Jesus Name- AMEN!?!

Got to see full-circle the nitty gritty work of Hope Coffee today. We got to go up the mountains to see one of Hope Coffee's farms! It was beautiful.  Upon our arrival to the farm- Mark got a phone call from a family whose roof had fallen in.

Mark on the phone with the family who's roof had fallen in.
{No, all of us gringos did not ride up the mountain on that bike}

The irony of this phone call is that the coffee we were about to go look at will hopefully be harvested and sold, to help pay to repair the roof that had fallen in.
Anyways, we then proceeded on to meet the family that runs the coffee farm. They welcomed us into their home and even offered us some of their produce.

{Honduran hospitality, y'all}

Then we got to see the COFFEE!!!!

Beautiful, right? If I was a coffee bean this is where I would want to grow up.

This tree was about 10 years old, so after this harvest they're going to whack it down so that the base will sprout a new tree. Learn something new every day.

So after we toured the farm we got to sit on the front porch and listen to the wisdom of an old farmer {one of my favorite pass-times}.

So that was how I spent my morning!! 

Then this afternoon we went to check out the house that had the roof fall in. This household  is one of the only ones in it's community that has a full family-unit {kids, mom, AND dad}. There are three sisters that live on one lot- in their own separate houses. Hope Coffee has helped provide water for all three of them by building them water storage units {called pilas}. Now one of them needs a new roof! Seriously. Their roof is scary. It might as well be held up by tooth picks. 

See, those tiles are made out of clay... and it's heavy. And as you can see here, the wood that should be supporting the heavy clay tiles is deteriorating.

Sweet little niƱos, they should not have to worry about their roof falling in on them in the middle of the night.

Mark and Beaux surveying the damage .

You can see here where the roof had collapsed.

So yeah. Pretty exciting day. 
My "take-away" for today {if you will} is- doing "good" isn't the goal. Bringing hope to peoples lives is the goal. There is only one hope that I know of that can absolutely change a life; that can take some coffee beans and use them to change lives, and that hope is Jesus! So we do these things in His name, that all glory would go to Him, and that through these things people would come to know the surpassing power of His loving kindness.

Oh, and Abba always has something up His sleeve!! 

Shalom y'all!

{PS~If you don't know about Hope Coffee, they are a local ministry that supports the local agriculture and economy here in Honduras. Essentially what they do is buy coffee from local farms {at a fair price}, roast and sell the coffee {it's some stinkin good coffee too}, and then the money that is made from the coffee is used for work projects in the community. For example- they help build houses for people in need, such as widows and single mothers, and they help provide clean water in communities that don't get any. ALL IN JESUS NAME!! If you want to check out further what they're doing here, in Honduras, {and maybe even purchase some of their amazing coffee} check out their website !!}

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