All my clothes are finally in their drawers and due places. FINALLY. And by "all" I mean all the ones that aren't piled high in the dirty-clothes hamper. And contrary to my clothing being settled, I still feel in that rough phase where everything is still so uncertain. I feel like every corner I turn around there is something new that I hadn't expected. It may not even be anything bad, it's just not what I expected, so it throws me slightly. I know it's only a temporary phase. I know that soon enough I will be settled in here. But Im reminded that expectations can be tricky to deal with in life, because they're almost impossible to avoid but you always have to be ready for the reality of situations not living up to your expectations. And when you look back at a later time you're usually grateful that the situations DIDN'T live up to your expectations. Still though... they're tricky.
So as of right now I'm still settling in. I am missing my piney woods {like I knew that I would}, but I am enjoying the tree top view from my apartment window. Now there is something I didn't expect! That was a pleasant surprise! I am also missing my Longview friends terribly, and can't wait until I get to see them again.
I guess that's all for now.
Shalom y'all.
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