Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ebb & Flow

Just some of my late night writing on death and life and such.

 Caskets loom the earth below. They're always coming and rarely going. The lives they once were have lost their places here, so we hide them below in all their due spaces.    

"Ashes to ashes, we all fall down." The time is ticking until I meet the ground. But why do I fight it?...Even though there are those who invite it, I fear for the day when the two are united. LIFE and DEATH. Dark and light.     

I fear because I've never been, I fear despite the victory I'll win. I fear because I'll leave everything I've ever known, I fear because the Ebb and Flow. This ebb and flow I can't control. This light that will come despite my fight. Like a child on bath day I run the wrong way, begging everyone I hold dear to run with me. Because the only thing worse than going into the blinding light alone, is being left in the darkness. The darkness that is all I've ever known.   

 But there must be something beyond the cleft, because I have never again seen the ones that have left.

I'm sure I'll understand when I see those gates, but for now I'll just wait for the wake of this ebb and flow. Yes, I will wait my turn while these waters churn, in this ebb and flow of life and loss, and love and fate.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful...Absolutely lovely and truthful.
    I had no idea you write like this!
    also- super happy you are blogging :)
    love you,
    Lauren LeBlanc
