So I have a problem... We tell our little girls that there is a boy out there, "their prince charming", and that he is perfect for them and some day he will come for her. We enthrall them with fairy tales like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White. All the while wrapping them up in the idea that there is this perfect guy out there that is going to come and rescue them from their boring, mundane lives.
And for us as christians it bother me even more! We use the whole "wait for your prince" slogan as a scheme to (for lack of a better term) keep our girls legs shut. The idea that we're putting into their head is that they should stay pure for their prince that is going to ride in on a white horse and sweep them off their feet.
Here is my problem...
What happens when this prince doesn't show?... Because it happens. Not EVERY female in the world is happily married to her prince charming. So my fear of this whole idea of promising our little girls things that we have no right to promise them, is that we end up robbing them of their own emotional and spiritual individuality. I know that these promises are made with good intentions, but we end up putting their hopes and dreams in the wrong things.
Hear me right, I'm not saying that instead we raise up little girls that are self-sufficient with "Don't need no man" mentalities. We just need to teach them to depend on the right things. We need to teach them to become who they are suppose to be, instead of making them think that their is some little XY out their who is going to "complete them." Jesus will complete them! Last time I checked I hadn't met a perfect human being, let me check again........... Nope! Their aren't any. And you end up creating messes when have two people trying to take from the other in or to complete or fulfill themselves.
I do believe that their are a majority of us out their that are suppose to find our"soul mates", and that God has designed the two specifically for each other, but to throw everyone in that category is silly. Think of Mother Theresa, what if she would have just sat around watching out her tower for her prince charming? That would have been a waste, and I don't believe that God wastes thing, especially people.
As christians I think we should teach our girls to "fall in love" with Jesus, teach them that they don't need another man, and that if they do Jesus will provide exactly what they need. We should teach them to watch for their KING on a white horse (Jesus, He's comin' back y'all), and teach them to seek His heart for them, instead of chasing after a boy who will never be able to fully complete them.
And when it comes to physical purity teach them the truth about sex, and what it was intended for. And instead of shying away from the subject, teach them that they're honoring their god by respecting His boundaries even when it seems difficult and just plain not fun.
If you think I'm wrong here or my theory is flawed, let me know! I'm still just trying to figure all this out.
Shalom y'all.
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