I tend to be a very opinionated person (not my fault, product of the 90's here). I don't believe that it's a bad thing... All of the time. But it's not always a beneficial thing either. That is the main reason I decided to start a blog. My recent rants on Facebook have been explosions of frustrations I'm dealing with; and while they convey my frustrations they don't always build people up, or even propose a solution. These rants usually just end up getting everyone riled up. What's the point of riling people up if it's not going to fix anything?
This has been my problem for the past couple weeks, and so the solution I've come up with is starting a blog, that way when I do have rants, I will be able to come back later with the solution that I've found. Because we all know that once you've said it on Facebook 567 of your "closest friends" can read it , and after they've read it, you can't take it back.... For someone like me, who puts her feet in her mouth constantly, this can be a problem.
So here it goes! Take it, or leave it.
(Phewf, first blog done. That wasn't as painful as I thought....)
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