Friday, April 6, 2012


Today I was reading through some of our church prayer requests while I was in the prayer room. About half way through the book of requests, I noticed that a massive majority of them were about, or for, families... It ranged from prodigal sons, to custody battles, to sibling rivalry. It got me thinking...

Why are our family units in this country so weak? Why are we falling apart at the seems?

Along with raising these disheartening questions it also terrified me a little bit. I mean, what hope do I have of raising my own children in this world! How will I make my marriage different from the other 70% of Americans that end their marriages in divorce! These thought literally terrify me. But  then I was reminded of Matt. 10:21. Even the "good things in this world are going to fail. Brother will turn against brother, children will turn away from their parents.

BUT it also says that if we hold fast and endure, we will be delivered. Praise Jesus.
So I don't have any marriage or relationship advice, but here is some sturdy life advice.... TRUST JESUS. Believe that He will reward you for "fighting the good fight". It WILL be worth it in the end. Choose love. Choose to put others before yourself-IN ALL SITUATIONS (especially relationships).

Just a short blurp on what I got out of my time in the prayer room today.

Shalom y'all.

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