Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Just a little melancholy today.

Something about christmas music, just makes me want to sink into myself and not talk to anyone {no offense}. I don't mean the modern songs that  all the little tweenie-boppers come out with, or the type of trash that you might find on WOW Christmas Hit's 2012!!... I mean like the stuff you listen to while you sit around a fire with your most treasured humans.

Do you ever have that feeling like you miss something so terribly, like you want to run to get it even if you had to run for days.... but you just don't know what exactly that thing is? Oh.

Yeah, me neither.

But really. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm older now and the holidays, and life in general, has lost that simpleness. Like now the holidays entail trying to get off of work, making sure my car is ready for the trip {oil change, tire pressure, blah blah}, and making sure that all of the siblings schedule coincide at the parents house for atleast one day. It just isn't as fun this year for some reason.

I don't want to whine, because I'm really so grateful for so many things right now. But at the same time, I feel like I'm missing something.

As one of my favorites says- "What can you do with a sentimental heart."

-Just sayin.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Grow, flowers, grow.

     You're my field of flowers. 
I'll plant and then watch you grow. 
My love may not be the best, 
or even near perfected, 
but still I will sow.

Oh, how I love you so.



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The best is yet to come.

Alright. I've been back for over a week now. I've had my ups and my down, of missing my little girls and the missionaries that had become family over the past two months, and then being excited to see my friends and my family here in The States.  I'm being torn in different direction to say the least. But after an overwhelming week of being back in The States I've come to a conclusion... The best is yet to come. That's all I can say. I know a lot of people would like a detailed recap of my trip, but I can't do it. Not now anyways. But I can tell you that my life has been changed for the better, and I've learned so much more about myself and the world around me. I wouldn't trade the last two months for anything.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Decisions, decisions.

Here we go again. Yet another blog about living the "single life". I only write about it so much because I'm OBVIOUSLY an expert at it.... But this blog is more about living life in general, it just so happens to be from the perspective of a single life.

I'm about to head back to the states in a couple of days {2 to be exact}, and so I'm having to decide what to do next. Praying through a lot of it of course, but having to make decisions in the process. Which is always difficult, scary and exciting all at the same time. I've almost hit the 1/4 of the way through my life mark though{yes, the big 2-0}, so I really need to get cracking.

I seem to have found myself at a fork in the road, but this fork has like 57 prongs. Actually it's more like there is one fork in the road, and then the roads that follow that fork each have 57 forks. But at the first fork you have two path options. ONE- you can choose to go down the careful path. This path is flat and you can see what is in front of you for miles, and is therefore deceptively easy. Bumps in this road include; everyday drudgery, boredom, and self-loathing. TWO- you can choose the path up the mountain in pursuit of the treasures God has for you. {whoa, just got deep, I know.} Bumps in this road include: making the tough decisions, stepping around the norm, and carrying with you those who can't walk themselves. Two paths. Both with bumps and trials. But one of them holds within it great adventure and great reward {take a guess at which one I'm talking about}.

Okay, if you've read any of my other blogs you've probably figured out that I like analogies. A lot. It's just how I process things the best. So don't be judgin' me, ya haters. But seriously, I am at that fork in the road. Of course it's not a difficult decision for me to make, but it is a decision I have to make, none the less.

Another thing I have been processing is the everyday forks in the road {I won't use another analogy-for sake of the length of this blog}. The little forks like- "am I going to feel sorry for myself, or am I going to spend all my energy on making my Abba smile today?" or "am I going to be upset that I'm single and doing things alone today, or am I going to take advantage of this time alone with my Abba."
Am I going to choose JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, and KINDNESS?... by George, I think I will.

So whether you're single, married, betrothed, or at the "it's complicated" status; live your life to it's fullest potential. Choose to find the positive things about whatever your situation is, and choose to find the excitement in life. Not to say that this will make all of life butterflies and lollipops, but it will make it worth living- even in the hard times.

Just sayin.
Shalom, y'all.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

"I will climb this mountain with my hands wide open"

Tomorrow I go in for my spanish language review.

The Lord most definitely had His own plan for this trip. I had not planned on learning spanish... Ever, really. I'm far to lazy of a person. But for whatever reason He has launched me off on the up-hill battle of learning another language.

I have had the privilege of receiving 2 hours of spanish tutoring {DAILY} since being here in Honduras. Not to mention being submerged in it every single day. And tomorrow, I go in for an oral exam to find out, exactly, what level of "spanish-speaker" I am. A little nerve racking, and of course I've been thinking about it for the past few days; thinking to myself "Lord, it would be really cool for me to be a Medium level.... Or, you could just loose my tongue and make me fluent real quick.. I mean, that would be cool too," but there I am running with MY plans!! When I hadn't even planned on learning spanish in the first place! My plan was to come to Honduras and hug some kids, and these past two months have turned into so much more. So I'm not really worried about what level I am anymore, especially after today.

Today we got to go to an Orphanage in Tegucigalpa, and while we were there I got to talk to some of the kids in spanish. I found myself just stopping in the middle of a conversation with a little girl and being like "Where am I?! What am I doing?!" The point is- none of this is my doing. I couldn't have made this happen even if I tried. PRAISE THE LORD!

Who knows what's next? Not me. But when I look around at where I am, and marvel at how I got here, I remember that my God is sovereign and His plans are good.

Shalom y'all.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Too much coffee in my system to sleep, and too much excitement in my bones to keep quiet.

So the other day some things started happening, and it's looking like there might be some doors opening up for me in certain places.
...Okay, I know there's no possible way that I could be more vague, but with these possibilities still being far from existence you can't expect me to just throw them out on the internet. Honestly, I don't even know if they're actually possibilities... they're more like possible possibilities, than actual possibilities.

Anyways, with that as a disclaimer, I really just wanted to talk about one of the beauties of being a follower of Jesus. This is a beauty I've experienced a lot of recently, what with my life being completely up in the air {I mean, so high to the point where you feel everything in your stomach jump- like when you go a little too high on the swings}. The beauty I'm talking about is PEACE. The peace of knowing  that God is completely in control, and that in being His daughter I don't have to worry about what I will "do" {or wear, or eat, or drink} because my Dad is looking after me. And if my dad truly does have everything under control, then why should I worry?! If I am His and I am walking with Him, I don't need to "figure out what I'm going to do next", all I have to do is wait on Him. With my eyes fixed on Him I can't go wrong.

Thanks Dad, for holding my hand through all this madness.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"I see the moon and the moon sees me."

Sometimes it's important to just stop and remember/attempt to comprehend, just how big God is.
Kinda like when you look up to the moon and really see it. See it for what it really is; not just a great big nightlight hanging in the sky, but a huge rock hanging in the sky that is reflecting the sun's light back to us here on earth. It'll blow your mind when the reality of something like that hits you. Something you've seen the presence of your entire life. You've walked in, and by, the light of it; then you look upon it and fully comprehend it, and it shakes your soul.
Part of what makes the moon so beautiful is that it's as close to staring into the sun as we can get {without destroying our retinas}. We can see the majesty of the sun by looking at it's reflection on the moon. We can walk by night, in the light of the sun- by way of the moon.
This, to me, is a beautiful representation of Christ's relationship with the world. This is just one way He has painted a picture of His love for me through creation tonight.

Hah, the line from a children's book that I used to read keeps coming to mind....

"I see the moon and the moon sees me, and the moon sees somebody that I wanna see."

-Just sayin'

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Just some notes on what I learned this Sunday morning.

Jesus desires for our hearts to be in right standing before Him, before we try and fix ourselves morally.
Which is why He always brought to light the root of the outward act.
Adultery        >Lust
Murder         >Anger

MATTHEW 5:21-26

Jesus wants us to deal with our anger because- He knows that when we let anger fester in our hearts, we give the enemy a foothold on us; when he has a foothold on us it gives him the ability to destroy/teardown us and those around us. {ephesians 4:26-27}

Anger makes us jaded- makes us negative.
It makes us critical of the people around us.

VERSES 23-24 -if there is someone that has a problem with YOU then YOU go and do your best to make it right. Own what you did, and then some. <     you can't do this if you have anger in your heart towards them.


Two wellsprings that fuel bitterness (bitterness and anger go hand in hand)-
1) A failure to trust in the sovereignty of God.
2) SHAME. (shame is gasoline to the fire of anger)
     sources of shame:
     a) secret sin.
     b) when you believe you should be farther along than you are.

These are my notes from a sermon by Matt Chandler.

OUCH. Praise Abba for His abundant grace and mercy that is new EVERY morning.
I have seen anger and bitterness rip people apart from the inside out {myslef included}. I have been the one to dish it out and the one to receive it. And that's a two-way street that ain't pretty either way you drive. I have seen how the hurt that is inflicted on me by others, because of their own hurt, multiplies into more pain and anger, that is then inflicted onto more people. WHAT IS THIS CYCLE?! I'll tell you what it is! It's exactly what the enemy wants. And it needs to stop. Like, right now.

Our words are powerful and can be used to encourage or to tear people apart. Make a decision on how you're going to use yours. And when you mess up {it's gonna happen} ask for forgiveness, and make things right. Walk humbly, taking hold of the grace that Jesus has for you-DAILY!!

Just sayin'.
Shalom y'all

Thursday, October 4, 2012

In Jesus Name- AMEN!?!

Got to see full-circle the nitty gritty work of Hope Coffee today. We got to go up the mountains to see one of Hope Coffee's farms! It was beautiful.  Upon our arrival to the farm- Mark got a phone call from a family whose roof had fallen in.

Mark on the phone with the family who's roof had fallen in.
{No, all of us gringos did not ride up the mountain on that bike}

The irony of this phone call is that the coffee we were about to go look at will hopefully be harvested and sold, to help pay to repair the roof that had fallen in.
Anyways, we then proceeded on to meet the family that runs the coffee farm. They welcomed us into their home and even offered us some of their produce.

{Honduran hospitality, y'all}

Then we got to see the COFFEE!!!!

Beautiful, right? If I was a coffee bean this is where I would want to grow up.

This tree was about 10 years old, so after this harvest they're going to whack it down so that the base will sprout a new tree. Learn something new every day.

So after we toured the farm we got to sit on the front porch and listen to the wisdom of an old farmer {one of my favorite pass-times}.

So that was how I spent my morning!! 

Then this afternoon we went to check out the house that had the roof fall in. This household  is one of the only ones in it's community that has a full family-unit {kids, mom, AND dad}. There are three sisters that live on one lot- in their own separate houses. Hope Coffee has helped provide water for all three of them by building them water storage units {called pilas}. Now one of them needs a new roof! Seriously. Their roof is scary. It might as well be held up by tooth picks. 

See, those tiles are made out of clay... and it's heavy. And as you can see here, the wood that should be supporting the heavy clay tiles is deteriorating.

Sweet little niños, they should not have to worry about their roof falling in on them in the middle of the night.

Mark and Beaux surveying the damage .

You can see here where the roof had collapsed.

So yeah. Pretty exciting day. 
My "take-away" for today {if you will} is- doing "good" isn't the goal. Bringing hope to peoples lives is the goal. There is only one hope that I know of that can absolutely change a life; that can take some coffee beans and use them to change lives, and that hope is Jesus! So we do these things in His name, that all glory would go to Him, and that through these things people would come to know the surpassing power of His loving kindness.

Oh, and Abba always has something up His sleeve!! 

Shalom y'all!

{PS~If you don't know about Hope Coffee, they are a local ministry that supports the local agriculture and economy here in Honduras. Essentially what they do is buy coffee from local farms {at a fair price}, roast and sell the coffee {it's some stinkin good coffee too}, and then the money that is made from the coffee is used for work projects in the community. For example- they help build houses for people in need, such as widows and single mothers, and they help provide clean water in communities that don't get any. ALL IN JESUS NAME!! If you want to check out further what they're doing here, in Honduras, {and maybe even purchase some of their amazing coffee} check out their website !!}

Monday, October 1, 2012

Gloria A Dios

This morning in my spanish class {which is just me and my tutor}, my tutor shared with me her testimony. She is the first christian in her family, and she told me about the burden she has for her family-that they would come to know the Lord. The details were hazy of course, seeing as how my spanish vocabulary is rather small. I completely understood her though. I understood the way her voice became shaky and the way the tears weld up in her eyes. I understood because I know that emotion. I know what it's like watching the people you love live their lives in complacency, not knowing the joy that lies just beyond their pride and disillusionment. I know {not fully, but partially} the weight of this burden that my Jesus carried to the cross.

The body of Christ is so beautiful. Not to speak in "churchy" language-but really think about that! Us as a body of people all have atleast one thing in common and that is JESUS.  He is our common-denominator. It's so beautiful that I can come to a place and culture that is worlds different than mine and instantly have deep relationship with people that a part of the same body as I am.  People that have the same burdens as I do.
Just one perk of following Jesus!!

The people that I have met here are family, and I'm going to miss them greatly. But I know that I will be having one big fiesta with them in heaven one day!! Family reunion, y'all!!! And that makes the thought of having to say goodbye a little more bearable.

And here's a little side note that I thought was kind of funny...
Today my tutor kept saying "gloria adios"while she was telling me her story, which I've heard some of my ballet students say when praying... This statement always confused me though because I've known that "adios" means "goodbye" ever since I was like 4 {one of the perks of being from Texas-you grow up learning spanish without even having to think about it}. So in my processing I was thinking "okay, well gloria is 'glory' in english.. so I guess 'gloria adios' is like 'goodbye glory'..." Come to find out the saying is actually "gloria A DIOS"...which is "Glory to God." Haaaaahhhhh. So gloria a Dios. He understand fully this language that I'm attempting to speak.

Just sayin'

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ah.. ehhhhh.... Uuuhh..

I'm really no good at blogging. Or journaling for that matter!
Whenever I have a lot going on, like exciting things happening in my life, I find it the hardest to write about it. It's like there's so much that Im processing and thinking about that I can't put any of it to words. Especially in the past month I've been more quiet than usual. I find myself with absolutely nothing to say {that's rare for me}, or when I do force out a thought, it's just that-FORCED. I have so much spinning around in my head though. So much that I feel my heart and soul might explode at any moment. My words just never seem to be enough to release the tension.

And now here I am, learning a new language. Finding myself in "conversations" with people where my main form of communication is miming and using noises like "eehhh" "ahhh" and "uhhhhhhh". Talk about humbling.  I've accepted my place in the Kingdom as court jester!
I'm kidding. But really, when attempting to learn a new language, you learn to cherish the one that you already know {for me that language is American :) }.

So if my blog posts seem scatter-brained and don't make any sense {like this one}, just know that a bunch of really exciting/good/overwhelming things are happening in my heart.

Just sayin.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hey you! Yeah, you with the tool belt!!

Having one of those "Where the stink is my husband?!?" moments. And for those of you that know me, you know that those moments for me are rare. I tend to settle more into the mindset of "I don't need no man and I pity the fool that do!!" I am aware that this is an extremely unhealthy mindset. ESPECIALLY tonight.

Ya see. My oven broke. Or maybe... I broke it... I don't remember.
Nevertheless- it isn't working. The dumb little knob broke right off! And being the handy-dandy woman that I am, I tried to fix it. I tried my best with what I had {tweezers,  butter-knife, washcloth} but to no avail. That oven was done for.

I couldn't let it go though. I wanted it fixed, and I wanted to be the one to fix it. I couldn't accept defeat.

Then that little teeny tiny thought popped into my mind-"this is going to be one of the great things about having a husband." Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that women should be chained to the kitchen sink and husbands are only good for being handy with tools. {I know how to change my own datgum oil, okay!} But what I mean is- it'll be nice to have some one that might know a little bit more than I do about how electronic stuff works, or how to start a grill, or how to get my radio to quit making that obnoxious ticking noise. Or maybe just be the one to tell me when it's time to call it quits, and remind me that I just am not going to be able to fix everything in life. I just think that I'm starting to see the beauty in this whole man and woman relationship thing.

So hott-stuff, wherever you are out there and whatever you're doing just know that your "honey do list" is already pretty long so you might want to go ahead and start heading this way so you can get started on it. Just sayin.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

beautiful are the feet

Here I am, at the end of the first week here in Honduras, trying to take inventory of all the things I've done and learned this past week.

You see, this week has been relatively relaxed.
{I mean-if you count jumping head on into a completely new culture, learning their language, eating new foods, smelling new smells, and GIGANTIC BUGS as relaxed. Then yeah, this has just been one week in paradise(but seriously, this place is so beautiful you wouldn't even believe it)}
What I mean is, our schedule hasn't been as frantic as it usually is in the states. We kind of just do everything on Honduran time{similar to "island time"}. And it's beautiful! No rushing, ho hustling, and certainly no bustling!...  (: But I'm so grateful for this week on Honduran time, because in the past week I have gotten to spend more time quietly with the Lord than I have in a while. It's been such a good time of Him just speaking to me, and reminding me that I am here for Him. I am here because Abba told me to come. I am not here because I am a "good person" trying to do "good things". I am here because He has something up his sleeve! {And I'm so glad, because any plans that I could TRY and make would not compare to His!}

A new friend from here told me yesterday, that when she was getting on the plane to come to Honduras God told her that it was time to put feet to her faith. I love that image. I have been in such a season of discovering what faith means {haven't got it figured out yet, so don't even ask}, but now it's time to put feet to my faith! It's time to GO! Time to DO!

So when I say I can't take inventory, it's because there's been too much. I've learned too much just in this past week! Man, is this going to be a crazy 2 months!!

Wherever this finds you as you're reading it, I pray that you're finding your feet. Only God knows where they will take you. But that's kind of the exciting part of it  :)


Monday, September 3, 2012

Hola from Honduras!

Just a quick post to let you all know that I made it safely to Honduras.
It has been a great first day! I have already experienced a whole bunch of neato things.

First-I experienced, first hand, the hospitality of the Honduran people. Two Honduran ladies sitting next to me on the plane helped me interpret the form that was in spanish, and they shared their gum with me when my ears started popping. {I have a cold so the pressure in my ears was especially awful}. Second-after I was picked up from the airport  I got to experience a honduran Burger King {the chicken nuggets were the best I've ever had from a Burger King-it was probably REAL chicken}.
Third-got to ride through the mountains that are so fresh and green that they look like a stinkin' painting! Fourth-I got to drink fresh coconut water straight from the coconut! {So good, not like the kind you get bottled in the states}. Fifth-I got to sit on the patio and watch a rainstorm {One of my favorite pass times in the states- but this one was like 10x better}.

In closing- I have had a beautiful welcome to Honduras. And to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing here... But I'm ready and waiting to see what Abba does! Already it has been better than I could have planned.

So fasten your seat belts and prepare for take off, folks!

Shalom y'all!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The infamous support letter...

To start this off I'd like to say that a lot of my insecurities on this topic come from my fear of judgment, not from my feeling toward people I have received these letters from.

Support letters. We've all received them. We've all been cynics. We've all judged.
I, myself, have always been very aware of peoples feeling (good and bad) toward "support letters". Maybe it's because somewhere deep down, I've had the fear that I would one day need to write one myself. And here I am! Sitting down, trying to figure out the least awkward way to tell everyone I'm going on a mission trip (without bragging), and ask them for support (without begging). I've decided there's going to be no way around the awkwardness. Story of my life.

But I had a really good conversation with a friend of mine the other day when I was telling him about my trip. After I finished telling him about the children's homes I would be working with he immediately asked for my address, and I immediately changed the subject. You see I have this problem... it's a thing called pride. Maybe you've heard of it? Anyways, I knew he wanted to help support me in my mission. But I was afraid of seeming like a beggar asking for money from one of my closest friends. He was relentless, and I eventually ended up giving him my address. He's a good friend.

After this encounter I started getting really nervous, knowing that I was going to need to probably send out support letters if I am going to be able to raise the $3,000 that I need. So after several days of breaking down my pride, Jesus brought this verse to my attention-3john 1:5-8. It talks about supporting believer that are working in spreading the truth. The writer of 3john is telling a friend that it is to their benefit to support these people, because it makes them co-workers. CO-WORKERS. How neat is that. This also helps me because I definitely cannot do this on my own.. I NEED some solid co-workers on my team. Not even necessarily for financial support, but for spiritual support.

So if you do happen to receive a letter from me, begging you for money, know that I respect you and want you as a part of my team :)

Shalom y'all.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Someday my prince will come... Right?...

So I have a problem... We tell our little girls that there is a boy out there, "their prince charming", and that he is perfect for them and some day he will come for her. We enthrall them with fairy tales like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White. All the while wrapping them up in the idea that there is this perfect guy out there that is going to come and rescue them from their boring, mundane lives.
And for us as christians it bother me even more! We use the whole "wait for your prince" slogan as a scheme to (for lack of a better term) keep our girls legs shut. The idea that we're putting into their head is that they should stay pure for their prince that is going to ride in on a white horse and sweep them off their feet.

Here is my problem...
What happens when this prince doesn't show?... Because it happens. Not EVERY female in the world is happily married to her prince charming. So my fear of this whole idea of promising our little girls things that we have no right to promise them, is that we end up robbing them of their own emotional  and spiritual individuality. I know that these promises are made with good intentions, but we end up putting their hopes and dreams in the wrong things.
Hear me right, I'm not saying that instead we raise up little girls that are self-sufficient with "Don't need no man" mentalities. We just need to teach them to depend on the right things. We need to teach them to become who they are suppose to be, instead of making them think that their is some little XY out their who is going to "complete them." Jesus will complete them! Last time I checked I hadn't met a perfect human being, let me check again........... Nope! Their aren't any. And you end up creating messes when have two people trying to take from the other in or to complete or fulfill themselves.

 I do believe that their are a majority of us out their that are suppose to find our"soul mates", and that God has designed the two specifically for each other, but to throw everyone in that category is silly. Think of Mother Theresa, what if she would have just sat around watching out her tower for her prince charming? That would have been a waste, and I don't believe that God wastes thing, especially people.

As christians I think we should teach our girls  to "fall in love" with Jesus, teach them that they don't need another man, and that if they do Jesus will provide exactly what they need. We should teach them to watch for their KING on a white horse (Jesus, He's comin' back y'all), and teach them to seek His heart for them, instead of chasing after a boy who will never be able to fully complete them.
And when it comes to physical purity teach them the truth about sex, and what it was intended for. And instead of shying away from the subject, teach them that they're honoring their god by respecting His boundaries even when it seems difficult and just plain not fun.

If you think I'm wrong here or my theory is flawed, let me know! I'm still just trying to figure all this out.
Shalom y'all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ebb & Flow

Just some of my late night writing on death and life and such.

 Caskets loom the earth below. They're always coming and rarely going. The lives they once were have lost their places here, so we hide them below in all their due spaces.    

"Ashes to ashes, we all fall down." The time is ticking until I meet the ground. But why do I fight it?...Even though there are those who invite it, I fear for the day when the two are united. LIFE and DEATH. Dark and light.     

I fear because I've never been, I fear despite the victory I'll win. I fear because I'll leave everything I've ever known, I fear because the Ebb and Flow. This ebb and flow I can't control. This light that will come despite my fight. Like a child on bath day I run the wrong way, begging everyone I hold dear to run with me. Because the only thing worse than going into the blinding light alone, is being left in the darkness. The darkness that is all I've ever known.   

 But there must be something beyond the cleft, because I have never again seen the ones that have left.

I'm sure I'll understand when I see those gates, but for now I'll just wait for the wake of this ebb and flow. Yes, I will wait my turn while these waters churn, in this ebb and flow of life and loss, and love and fate.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Today I was reading through some of our church prayer requests while I was in the prayer room. About half way through the book of requests, I noticed that a massive majority of them were about, or for, families... It ranged from prodigal sons, to custody battles, to sibling rivalry. It got me thinking...

Why are our family units in this country so weak? Why are we falling apart at the seems?

Along with raising these disheartening questions it also terrified me a little bit. I mean, what hope do I have of raising my own children in this world! How will I make my marriage different from the other 70% of Americans that end their marriages in divorce! These thought literally terrify me. But  then I was reminded of Matt. 10:21. Even the "good things in this world are going to fail. Brother will turn against brother, children will turn away from their parents.

BUT it also says that if we hold fast and endure, we will be delivered. Praise Jesus.
So I don't have any marriage or relationship advice, but here is some sturdy life advice.... TRUST JESUS. Believe that He will reward you for "fighting the good fight". It WILL be worth it in the end. Choose love. Choose to put others before yourself-IN ALL SITUATIONS (especially relationships).

Just a short blurp on what I got out of my time in the prayer room today.

Shalom y'all.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Have you ever had athlete's foot... in your mouth?..

I tend to be a very opinionated person (not my fault, product of the 90's here). I don't believe that it's a bad thing... All of the time. But it's not always a beneficial thing either. That is the main reason I decided to start a blog. My recent rants on Facebook have been explosions of frustrations I'm dealing with; and while  they convey my frustrations they don't always build people up, or even propose a solution. These rants usually just end up getting everyone riled up. What's the point of riling people up if it's not going to fix anything?
                 This has been my problem for the past couple weeks, and so the solution I've come up with is starting a blog, that way when I do have rants, I will be able to come back later with the solution that I've found. Because we all know that once you've said it on Facebook 567 of your "closest friends" can read it , and after they've read it, you can't take it back.... For someone like me, who puts her feet in her mouth constantly, this can be a problem.

               So here it goes! Take it, or leave it.

(Phewf, first blog done. That wasn't as painful as I thought....)