Thursday, October 25, 2012

"I will climb this mountain with my hands wide open"

Tomorrow I go in for my spanish language review.

The Lord most definitely had His own plan for this trip. I had not planned on learning spanish... Ever, really. I'm far to lazy of a person. But for whatever reason He has launched me off on the up-hill battle of learning another language.

I have had the privilege of receiving 2 hours of spanish tutoring {DAILY} since being here in Honduras. Not to mention being submerged in it every single day. And tomorrow, I go in for an oral exam to find out, exactly, what level of "spanish-speaker" I am. A little nerve racking, and of course I've been thinking about it for the past few days; thinking to myself "Lord, it would be really cool for me to be a Medium level.... Or, you could just loose my tongue and make me fluent real quick.. I mean, that would be cool too," but there I am running with MY plans!! When I hadn't even planned on learning spanish in the first place! My plan was to come to Honduras and hug some kids, and these past two months have turned into so much more. So I'm not really worried about what level I am anymore, especially after today.

Today we got to go to an Orphanage in Tegucigalpa, and while we were there I got to talk to some of the kids in spanish. I found myself just stopping in the middle of a conversation with a little girl and being like "Where am I?! What am I doing?!" The point is- none of this is my doing. I couldn't have made this happen even if I tried. PRAISE THE LORD!

Who knows what's next? Not me. But when I look around at where I am, and marvel at how I got here, I remember that my God is sovereign and His plans are good.

Shalom y'all.

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