Friday, September 14, 2012

Hey you! Yeah, you with the tool belt!!

Having one of those "Where the stink is my husband?!?" moments. And for those of you that know me, you know that those moments for me are rare. I tend to settle more into the mindset of "I don't need no man and I pity the fool that do!!" I am aware that this is an extremely unhealthy mindset. ESPECIALLY tonight.

Ya see. My oven broke. Or maybe... I broke it... I don't remember.
Nevertheless- it isn't working. The dumb little knob broke right off! And being the handy-dandy woman that I am, I tried to fix it. I tried my best with what I had {tweezers,  butter-knife, washcloth} but to no avail. That oven was done for.

I couldn't let it go though. I wanted it fixed, and I wanted to be the one to fix it. I couldn't accept defeat.

Then that little teeny tiny thought popped into my mind-"this is going to be one of the great things about having a husband." Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that women should be chained to the kitchen sink and husbands are only good for being handy with tools. {I know how to change my own datgum oil, okay!} But what I mean is- it'll be nice to have some one that might know a little bit more than I do about how electronic stuff works, or how to start a grill, or how to get my radio to quit making that obnoxious ticking noise. Or maybe just be the one to tell me when it's time to call it quits, and remind me that I just am not going to be able to fix everything in life. I just think that I'm starting to see the beauty in this whole man and woman relationship thing.

So hott-stuff, wherever you are out there and whatever you're doing just know that your "honey do list" is already pretty long so you might want to go ahead and start heading this way so you can get started on it. Just sayin.


  1. You are hilarious. I love you!!

  2. Im a mess really.... But atleast my mess makes for some good entertainment sometimes!!
