Monday, May 4, 2015

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE: living and loving well

I have several friends getting married right now, one of them being my roommate. So wedding vows have been floating around in our recent topics of conversation. Every time I have heard people in movies or on tv saying those sacred vows recently, it’s been such a mind boggling thing, and it’s really got me thinking...

The “ for better or for worse” part especially puzzles me. The thought of VOWING to love and CHERISH someone even and especially at their worst is almost beyond me.

I’ve been in a really weird season this last year. Like a weird, difficult yucky season. One where I feel like I’ve taken ten steps back instead of any forward, and judgement is at the forefront of my mind and the tip of my tongue. This has made it difficult to love anyone, including myself. It has been rough. And I am pleased to say that I believe I am slowly climbing my way out this valley.

I share that to say, in this tough-terrible-weird season I have had people that have loved me well. People that have said (more with their actions than with their words), “hey, life’s hard. we get it. we know you don’t like you right now. but we like you, and we know who you really are outside of this funk. and we will stay by your side even through this.” And THAT is true friendship. That is the kind of friend I want to be.

I think that we need to vow to love people this way, not only in marriage, but in all of our relationships. Because that is what true love is about. It’s about believing the best in people when you see their worst; giving them the same grace that you have been given time and time again. I really believe that people will flourish when you love them outside of their actions. I think everyone needs some one to remind them who they really are when they forget. And who they really are is a person who is on the earth for a purpose, to accomplish something wonderful.

And don’t even get me started on the way that Jesus has loved us, because that is FAR beyond me. I. Can’t. Even.

Shalom y’all

1 comment:

  1. Hello Shannon. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am so blessed, honored and privilege to know you because of who you are In the Lord Jesus Christ and your love for Him. I am in the Pastoral ministry for 37yrs in the great city of Mumbai, India a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reachout to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have you come with your friends during your vacation time. I am sure you will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Di8wakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you,your family and friends.
